
Showing posts from 2015

Thank You Toad Lillies

I want to say thanks to the Toad Lilies. They are a band that I found on the YouTube. I was looking for a Christmas song that referenced the Baby Jesus as a king. The readings in the Narrative Lectionary were pointing to the question, "Whom will you serve?" One pastor was using the title "Game of Thrones." I wished I would have thought of that, and when I saw it, it was too late to use. Through the powers of Google, I came across this song. The lyrics are below.                                                       King of Kings Chorus King of Kings, lying in a manger Lord of Lords, so frail so small Prince of Peace, son of the almighty Came to earth, to give his life for all Verse 1 No trumpet sounds, no fanfare, the stillness all around On a night so cold and empty, in the sleepy little town No royal pal - ace no castle no priceless gems, no crown Just the cry of a helpless baby from a stable on the edge of town From a stable on the edge of t


This is the text of my Christmas sermon. Text in italics are quotes from Luke 2. Just in case your Christmas shopping isn't done, or you need to get something extra for someone because they ignored limits or went over the top, I have a gift for you to give. It isn’t a two-pound bag of frozen lutefisk, but if that seems appropriate, there are some bags still in the freezer at Our Savior’s. Actually, I’m going to tell you to give the gift given on the first Christmas morning. I’m not suggesting gold, frankincense or the ever-popular myrrh. It is actually much worse than that. I’m asking to you share the Good News of the birth of Christ. Yes. I am suggesting that you re-gift. Now, I have a problem with re-gifting, where you take a gift that someone gave to you and re-wrap it and give it to someone else. Personally, I have one exception – fruitcake. I think there really is only one fruitcake in the world and it is involved in a global game of hot potato. If you are in pos

A Smorgasboard Sermon

This is the written text that I preached from on December 27. The lesson was Mark 1.1-20. Today, you are not getting a sermon. Instead, you are getting a smorgasbord of thoughts and meditations on this text. Mark’s Gospel is the shortest of the four Gospels, and is assumed to be the first one written. It was written to be read in one setting, to tell the story of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. That line alone would have gotten a reaction from the first hearers. The word Gospel, which means Good News, was only used to announce a victory, usually a military victory. The word Christ, which means the anointed one, or messiah, would have caught the attention of any Jewish hearers, because this was the one promised by God who would deliver them. The title, Son of God, was treasonous in the Roman Empire, where the first listeners would have been. No one could claim to be the Son of God. That was a title reserved for Caesar, and only Caesar. Not a bad way to start y

Hard to Buy For

This is the text of my Christmas Eve sermon. Text that is in italics are quotations from Luke 2. Text that is in bold italics are quotes from the song, King of Kings by the Toad Lilies. I REALLY hope that your Christmas shopping is over. But I realize you might not be done because there is always that ONE person. You know what I mean – and if you’re sitting next to them, try not to stare. But everyone has that ONE person for whom, trying to buy any present, let alone the right one, is a struggle, possibly even near impossible. For me, this was my mom. My dad was easy to buy for. He was an avid reader. He collected figurines of Santa Claus dressed in different outfits. Dad was a duck hunter and deer hunter. Dad was SO easy to buy presents for. Then there was my mom. I love her dearly, but she was SO hard to shop for. She really didn’t have any hobbies. She did crafts; she would make Christmas ornaments to sell at local craft shows, but she would get her own supplies. She w

All It Needed Was A Little Love

This is my article for the Owen-Withee Enterprise newspaper for their Christmas edition. It is also the centerpiece for the sermons that I gave at various assisted living and nursing home centers in the weeks before Christmas. A Charlie Brown Christmas is my favorite show about Christmas, and I think it helps to explain God’s love for us. For me, the best symbol of that love is Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree. The tree is just sad. It is one droopy branch that can barely support a single red ball. It doesn’t compare to the other beautiful trees, especially the ones in your homes. But that is why I love it. Because it symbolizes how Christ came to us. Jesus was born to a poor teenage girl and her new husband. They could not find anyplace to stay in Bethlehem, so the stayed with the animals. When the baby was born, his first blanket were strips of rags. His first cradle was a feeding trough. The angels were so excited about the birth of the Messiah, the Savior, that they had t

Pastor's December Ponderings

Since Ananias reminded you to get your pictures taken for the new directory, let me write about some other things. I found this photo online last year, and have saved it to give you an idea of an Alternative Advent. One that you can still enjoy, but one focused on giving back, and not getting gifts. While spending time with family and loved ones can be hectic, those are the memories that last, not the gifts. Except for fruitcake and ugly ties and sweaters, those last forever. Focus on being present and giving the gift of yourself rather than on presents and gifts. Find times and ways to give back to those who have given to you, or to those who have nothing to give. Take time to celebrate one another and the love you have for each other. Share God’s love with others. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, Pastor Brian

Keep Watch

My Big Guy told me that I have my own web page ( ) and showed it to me on one of those screens he is always looking at. He didn’t let me lick or chew on it so I don’t know if it is any good, but he wants me to tell you to check it out for my writings, so go ahead. In addition to be an Internet Super Star, I also do other things, especially for My Big Guy. He found out about one of them a couple of nights ago. He lets me sleep in bed with him, and we cuddle up until he falls asleep. I know he is asleep because it sounds like he is trying to inhale one of the pillows. And he says that I snore. But when he falls asleep, I get up and go to the other end of the bed and stand watch. I stay up all night (that’s why I need to take naps during the day) to protect him. He taught me this prayer that he says when we are in bed. “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul will tak

Change Can Be Scary

My Big Guy gave me some bacon to remind you all to get your picture taken for the new directory ( see Parish News ). My Big Guy and I got our picture taken. It’s right here. I think I look good! My Big Guy has been talking to me about the Sowing Seeds ministry things that have been going on, and how he is going to lead worship at three churches on Sunday mornings and worship times will change ( see Parish News ). I have mixed feelings about that. First, that means he is going to be away from me longer and I do not like that. But on the other hand, it will mean more Sunday nap times, so I guess it will work out. He told me some of you aren’t too sure about this, and are afraid of how it will change your churches. I understand that concern really well. I don’t like change myself. That’s why I’m nervous when I meet new people. I don’t know if you are going to be nice or not. So I am very cautious when I meet someone. I’ll sniff to see if you smell like a nice person, but t

Pastor's November Ponderings

Pastor’s Ponderings   If Joshua gave the Israelites rest, God wouldn’t have spoken about another day later on. So you see that a Sabbath rest is left open for God’s people. The one who entered God’s rest also rested from his works, just as God rested from his own. Therefore, let’s make every effort to enter that rest so that no one will fall by following the same example of disobedience. – Hebrews 4.8-11 (CEB) After the Sowing Seeds meeting where we concluded the best way to provide pastoral care to Nazareth was for me to lead worship at three churches each Sunday, many people have asked me if I feel up to doing it. I’ve been asked if I can physically handle three services. I appreciate your concern, and am asking for your help. Leading worship services is draining, both physically & emotionally. It will be easier for me to do if I am in better shape. I am going to work on that. I need to improve my diet. I need to work at not being a stress eater. I need to exercise mo

Being Nervous

from the September 2015 Messenger First, thank you to everyone who was upset that my article got bumped to the back of the newsletter last month. My Big Guy made it up to me with some fun toys. He has also been bringing me to more things at the churches. I’ve been to council and committee meetings, and Luther League meetings. I even came to the Joint Worship service and picnic. I’m a little nervous around people, and would rather come to meet you than to have you come to meet me. I appreciate people wanting to get to know me, but I’m nervous. That’s just how I am. I’m afraid that when people get to know me that they won’t like me.  So I’ll bark and growl when people come to the Parsonage or up to see My Big Guy in his office. I don’t mean anything by it; I’m just nervous and afraid. My Big Guy told me about when he was a Little Guy, that he was really shy and quiet. He used to have a stutter that he was really embarrassed by. He was afraid to get up and speak in front of

Don't Understand

from the October 2015 Messenger My Big Guy confuses me. A lot. I’ve messed up a few times recently. While I’ve been pretty good about only chewing on the stuff My Big Guy gives me, I chewed through a couple of toys. And a blanket. And a chair leg. I’m working on not barking and growling at you when you come to the parsonage or his office or near him, but some times I feel I have to show that I’m tough. One time when he went away on Sunday (I know which day Sunday is because I don’t get to come with him, even though he puts on a collar that goes all around his neck just like mine) and I made a mess in the house. I usually can wait until he gets home, but this time, I couldn’t hold it. Then there was the time I tripped him. I really wanted him to play with me and the new toy he gave me. I thought he was going one way, and he went another way. I got behind him and he fell down. He hit the chair I had been chewing on and landed hard. I was so glad that he wasn’t hurt, only


I just don't understand things sometimes. I'm used to writing an article at the end of the month for My Big Guy's newsletter, but now he is telling me because my articles are more popular than his are (he's not taking that well) my articles are going on the line, and I have to write a new article for my webpage. Being a celebrity is not easy. He was reading the lessons for next Sunday to me last night. That is something he does because it gets him to start thinking ahead. I wish he'd think ahead more on belly rubs, but I'll save that for another article since I'm having to write so much stuff. The lesson is about what he called the Commandments. There are ten of them. And you are all supposed to follow them. You all must be really well trained. I only know five commands, and, between you and me, I don't always do so good at them. Especially "Stay." I don't like that one. When My Big Guy tells me that, it usually means h

Who Are You and Where Have You Been?

This is my manuscript for my sermon for October 4 on the Narrative Lectionary text of Exodus 1:8-14 and 3:1-15. I don't read from my manuscript, so what I actually preached was different. There is a lot that has happened between last week’s lesson and todays. So let me catch you up. We left Jacob who was just given the new name of Israel and was about to be reunited with his older brother Esau. Their reconciliation went well. Israel and his 12 sons settled into the land of Canaan. One of Israel’s sons was Joseph, who was so annoying to other brothers they sold him into slavery. Despite being a slave, Joseph managed to rise into power in Egypt, eventually becoming second in power, only being behind the Pharaoh in control. Because of his gift to interpret visions, Joseph saw a famine coming and planned ahead so others could survive. When the famine struck the land of Canaan, Israel sent some of his sons to Egypt to see if there was food there. After a series of shenanigan

Parents are the MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE in Children's Faith Formation

This article is similar to one posted on our Youth and Families page because that article was my first draft. This is a second look at this topic because it is of vital importance to our children. Some people brought children to Jesus so that he would place his hands on them and pray. But the disciples scolded them. “Allow the children to come to me,” Jesus said. “Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children .” Then he blessed the children and went away from there. – Matthew 19:13-15 When I was called to serve Emmanuel and Our Savior’s, one of the areas that I was asked to focus on was youth ministry. I have done my best to make that an area that I focus on. This summer, at one of the continuing education events I went to, I read a quote that got my attention. By the time our children are ten or eleven years old, they have figured out if faith practice is really real and important to their parents, or if they do it only for the s


This is the manuscript for my sermon for Sunday, September 6. The text is Psalm 146. This Sunday, the Bishop Eaton asked ELCA churches to join with churches of the AME for " Confession, Repentance and Commitment to End Racism." We used a form of the confession and prayers that were provided as resources, and I included that theme into my message. This psalm starts and ends with a word we don’t say often enough, hallelujah. So, say it with me, hallelujah. Shout it with me, HALLELUJAH!! Hallelujah comes to us from Hebrew and is the joining of the words “Praise” and “God.” Saying hallelujah means to praise God. So let us praise God, hallelujah!! But what are we praising God for? The Psalter tells us that we should hymn to my God while I breathe , singing a holy song as long as we are alive. In this instance, we are celebrating that God is not human or mortal, because people offer no rescue. (Their) breath departs, (they) return to the dust. Next Sunday, w

Do Something

This is my manuscript for my sermon on August 30th using Psalm 13 as a text. This is what I wrote, and may be different than what came out of my mouth. This is a song of someone who is suffering. This is a psalm of lament. Psalm 13 is a cry for help. How long? How long do I have to wait? How long do I have to suffer? How long, O LORD, will You forget me always? How long hide Your face from me? How long shall I cast about for counsel, sorrow in my heart all day?  How long will my enemy loom over me? Four times the psalter asks God, How long? Four times the psalter asks God, where are you? Four times the psalter asks, don’t you care? Four times the psalter asks God, how can you let this happen? About a third of all of the psalms are prayers for help, cries of lament. They are more prevalent than any other type of psalm. More than songs of praise, more than pleas of penance, more that gifts of thanks, more than statements of trust, more than any of those, the ancie


This is the text of my message for Sunday, August 23rd, using Psalm 27.1-6 as my text. Have any of you driven through the Upper Peninsula? Have you ever crossed from the Upper Peninsula into the Lower Peninsula, or vice versa? Unless this was a long time ago, and you took a ferry, if you have, then you’ve almost certainly driven across the Mackinaw Bridge. The Mackinaw Bridge is one thing that I am very much afraid of. If you’ve ever gone across it, you know that the roadway for the suspension bridge has the outside lanes made of concrete. The inside lanes are metal grate. That is for two reasons. One, to allow for expansion given the temperature extremes the bridge faces; over 100° in the summer, into 30° below and greater in the winter. Second, it is for aerodynamic purposes. The grating reduces the wind resistance for the fierce winds that roar through the Straits. One of the things that having the grating does, is allows you to look straigh


his is my written text for my sermon at our Joint Worship Service on August 16th at Longwood Park. I didn't stick to the script, but this the intent of the message I gave. The lesson for the day is Psalm 40, which is in a series of images at the bottom of the post. The video - which I didn't play, is the song, " 40 " by U2.   I first time I heard of Psalm 40 was as a song. And I heard the lyrics wrong. But I actually got it right. Before I got it right, it changed my life. While I was in college, my roommate introduced me to the music of an Irish rock band, U2. I remember listening to their albums over and over my senior year. Well, as much over and over as can be when you had to get up to turn the record over to hear the other side. I noticed on one listening that the last song on the album mentioned God. Here are the lyrics to the U2 song, “40.” I waited patiently for the Lord. He inclined and heard my cry. He brought me up out of