
Showing posts from May, 2015

New Tricks

from the May 2015 Messenger Today I showed my Big Guy that I learned a new trick. He didn’t seem to be as excited as I was. When he goes away, he leaves me in my room. He calls it the utility room. He closes all of the doors so I’m safe in there, but one set of doors swing. Now that I’m a whole year old and all grown up, I am strong enough to push through those doors. So the Big Guy has been putting a chair in front of those doors to make it tough for me to make sure the house is secure for him while he is away. I showed him that I’ve learned how to use my mouth to pull the door open on my side and make sure that the house is safe for him. Boy, was he surprised when I met him at the front door! Now, don’t worry. I didn’t get into anything. I’m not that type of dog. I just wanted to show him that I can do new things. After all, that is what he has been asking all of you to do in his sermons and writings. (Don’t tell him, but I read the stuff he writes after he goes to sleep.