
Showing posts from May, 2016

Trust In God and Not In Ourselves

This is Ananias' article from the May Newsletter. First, I want to remind everyone to invite your friends, your friends kids and your grandkids to come to the Vacation Bible Schools at Emmanuel and Our Savior’s. The nice ladies who put the VBS together promised me a treat if I would tell you that VBS is for EVERYONE!!! I’m not sure what I would do if I had two people to listen to like I listen to My Big Guy. I’d be really confused if they told me to do different things at the same time. It’s hard enough for me to try to do what My Big Guy wants me to do, let alone if I had two masters. That is what the author of Ask, Thank, Tell (the book on stewardship that I’ve asked My Big Guy to read to me) writes about in chapter 3. Jesus was talking about wealth and possessions when he said “you cannot serve two masters.” In fact, the author says that Jesus talked more about money than any other topic in the Gospels. I wasn’t sure about that, so I made My Big Guy look into that,