Trust In God and Not In Ourselves

This is Ananias' article from the May Newsletter.
First, I want to remind everyone to invite your friends, your friends kids and your grandkids to come to the Vacation Bible Schools at Emmanuel and Our Savior’s. The nice ladies who put the VBS together promised me a treat if I would tell you that VBS is for EVERYONE!!!

I’m not sure what I would do if I had two people to listen to like I listen to My Big Guy. I’d be really confused if they told me to do different things at the same time. It’s hard enough for me to try to do what My Big Guy wants me to do, let alone if I had two masters.

That is what the author of Ask, Thank, Tell (the book on stewardship that I’ve asked My Big Guy to read to me) writes about in chapter 3.

Jesus was talking about wealth and possessions when he said “you cannot serve two masters.” In fact, the author says that Jesus talked more about money than any other topic in the Gospels. I wasn’t sure about that, so I made My Big Guy look into that, and he said it was true. (Fact Checked by pbc)

It turns out that Jesus talked about possessions, wealth and money more than he talked about prayer, forgiveness or even his death. The only thing Jesus talked about more than money was the kingdom of God.

The author (Chick Lane) said Jesus did that because he didn’t want people to put their trust in their wealth and themselves, but instead to trust in God to provide. My Big Guy said that is why in the prayer Jesus taught we pray for our daily bread. That is asking God to give us what we need today, instead of relying on saving and storing things up for ourselves.

I get that. I trust that My Big Guy will fill my food and water bowls each day. But between you and me, I do have some treats hidden around the house, just in case. Somehow he found the fish treats, but I’ve hidden others.

But I guess that means that I don’t trust My Big Guy. That makes me sad. I know he loves me and will take care of me, even when I’m bad.

So I’m going to get all those treats I’ve hidden out and will eat them up so that I trust My Big Guy will provide what I need each day.

Mr. Lane said that if we worry about what we have, we can obsess over our wealth and resources and not think about sharing the blessings God has given us with those who don’t have as much as we do.

That makes a lot of sense to me. I’m going to try to figure out how I can share the blessings God has given me. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Licks and Love,



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