What has motivated me to pursue the ministry?

I coordinate the youth sports program for my hometown’s elementary and middle school students. On Saturday’s during the school year, there are over 800 students playing sports. Basketball has an obsessive hold on my hometown, with elementary games regularly drawing crowds of over 500 people. A few years ago, I was having an especially difficult day with the boys basketball program. I had just finished having a shouting match across the court with one of the coaches, when one of the security officers assigned to the games asked me how I dealt with the stress. I told him I was probably going to go to the bar and get drunk. He said that wasn’t the thing to do, and he asked if he could have his church pray for me. I told him it couldn’t hurt.

The next weekend, I did not work the youth sports program and instead I attended a football coaching clinic. I have coached high school football since 1995. At coaching clinics, a variety of vendors set up booths to provide samples and catalogs for coaches to take back to their schools. While at the clinic, I spoke with a young lady staffing a booth providing information on the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. We talked for awhile and she gave me a copy of the New Testament and encouraged me to read it. She said in there, I would find the strength and guidance I was seeking. I took the opportunity to thumb through the book. Between sessions, I found I couldn’t put it down. When I came home, I couldn’t put it down. The Sunday I came home from the clinic, I attended worship at my church. I hadn’t attended regularly for years. But since then, I have regularly attended worship services. I realize I was finally ready to return to God, and He placed people and events in my way to direct me back to Him.

After a few months of attending services regularly, I asked my Pastor if there was anything I could do to become more involved in the church. She was more than willing to help me become more involved. I enjoy the opportunity to use my gifts to serve the Lord. I have held several offices for our church, and part of the responsibilities are to write an article for the church’s monthly newsletter. I also serve from time to time as the Assisting Minister for our services. The Assisting Minister is responsible for writing the Prayers of the People. I receive many compliments from the members about my articles and my prayers. A couple of members asked if I had considered joining the ministry. I had not, but with the seed planted, I began to think about it. I prayed on it, and asked my Pastor about the ministry. After thinking and praying more, I asked if I could give the sermon one Sunday. I felt the Holy Spirit guiding me as I was writing and delivering the sermon. I have been honored to deliver the sermon two other times as well. Several members have told me they were deeply moved by my words. Other members of the congregation have also asked me if I had considered the ministry. I have continued to pray, asking God if this is the path He wants me to follow. I have spent much time researching the ministry and the seminary experience. I have visited and read many of the articles at the ELCA website, as well as the sites of several seminaries, and several web blogs of pastors and students going through the seminary process. The more I read and learned and the more I prayed, I became more confident I was heeding the Lord’s guidance.


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