Happy First Day of School!

Actually, the Fall Semester here at LTSG began yesterday, but that was all orientations seminars and getting free stuff. TODAY we started classes. And for most of the first-year Summer Greek surviving Juniors, that meant four classes back to back to back to back, with a side order of two worships and two meals. And being sequestered in the same room that we were sentenced to spend our penatence of Summer Greek in for most of the day. (I've been spending too much time with the lawyers in the class.)

Now I have a bunch of reading to do, two or three papers to write and that's not counting the three classes I haven't been to yet. Welcome to grad school. So, I'm blogging. Why do today what you can do this weekend, unless there's a good football game on. Of course, ANY football game is a good football game.

btw, I'm trademarking the title of this post and will be happy to license it to Hall Mark or any other card company. I'm a poor grad student studying languages and philosophy.

I'm adding a new feature to this blog. I'm trying to multi-task by getting my exercise in by walking early each morning to one of the battlefield monuments to read my daily devotions. I'm taking my camera along (thanks Moni!!) and will post photos on a semi-regular basis (or when I have a good picture.) The photo to the right is from the base of the monument to the soldiers from Virginia.


David said…
Congratulations on passing Summer Greek!

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