Listen to your words they'll tell you what to do

Seminary hard. They make us read lots of stuff. And memorize lots of silly nonsensical words. And then we have to remember it. And take tests and quizzes. And write papers. And they won't just give us the answers. It's graduate school, for God's sake.

So enough of the pity party. Earlier this week, I was in full depression. I realized I couldn't get back to the Great Lakes state over Reading Days because I need to do LOTS of reading. Irony, what a female dog? Then I focused so much on one assignment that I sacrificed a quiz. So I called home bemoan my fate, Dad listened lovingly, then told me to quit whining, suck it up and do the work. Sometimes a swift kick in the ass is better than a hug.
My thoughts are with my Brothers who are celebrating our fraternity's anniversary this weekend. Keep safe and it was good to get emails from so many of you.
I'm finishing my sermon for this Sunday at my teaching parish. The final version (so far) didn't turn out to be what I thought it was going to be. Much like my life. It's not all about me. It should be, but it isn't. I'll post the final version (and some of the stuff that hit the cutting room floor) on Sunday.
Monday, I'm going to York (PA, not New NY) to see RENT. I finally get to see a play I've followed since it's buzz first made it to the middle of the mitten. The show whose soundtrack gets me through Ohio. Really, sides 1 & 2 last pretty much border to border.
My football team should, better, have won and qualified for the playoffs. All it took for them to turn the program around was getting rid of me. : )
So to pass the rest of the night, and whatever calls I get from Michigan, I'm getting in my comfort zone. Watching a U2 concert video and drinking a Guinness.
WARNING: NSFW - A bad word is in the video.

U2 - Wake Up, Dead Man from U2 go Home, Live from Slane Castle, Ireland


David said…
wow...preaching in your first semester??? At LTSS we have to finish at least one half of our first preaching class (second semester) before we are allowed to assume the pulpit.

I see our favorite college team is back in the top 25....(#24, how embarrassing).

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