This Fools Halfway to Heaven and Just a Mile Outta Hell

I'm fighting through the middle-of-the-semester blues.
I miss home. I miss getting to coach in a playoff game after 12 years of getting my a$$ kicked.
I miss my big ol' bed. A care package only reminds me I'm away from home.
I'm getting frustrated with some of my classes. I'm frustrated with my teaching parish.
I'm upset with my lack of getting it.
I'm upset some of my friends are getting dumped on since I'm not there.
I'm pi$$ed at the idiots in my hometown blaming everyone for a kid getting a gun EXCEPT the family.

But, on the other hand.
I'm having an "Oh Wow!" moment about twice a day.
I'm getting care packages and emails. I'll get home in a few weeks.
I enjoy a bunch of my classes and am doing well (so far -- I reserve the right to edit this post.)
I'm not at work getting dumped on. I'm not having to deal with the cow crap.

Being here is like eating caviar with dirt. But hey, there's better days shining through

Bruce Springsteen - Better Days


Trish said…
Hey, I'm thinking about you. I hope the optimism starts winning out. But I hope you don't feel bad for feeling bad. You're allowed to be multi-faceted. :) See you.
Law+Gospel said…
On the same campus and out of the loop since your Wed. post. Lots to think about. Sorry to hear about home. Hang in there- we will survive!

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