FCA Impact Play: "A Mighty Fortress"

READY: "But the LORD is my fortress; my God is a mighty rock where I can hide. "-Psalm 94:22

SET: I love college football and everything about it. I love watching a good offense, but there is nothing like a strong front line on the defensive side. There is nothing more intimidating to me than having a great front four who let nothing and no one advance down the field. They are the rock of their defense--a mighty fortress, so to speak. Nothing can penetrate them when the offense tries to advance. They stand firm. What an awesome sight it is to see nothing cross the line of defense.

In 1529, Martin Luther penned what could have been the most powerful hymn ever written: "A Mighty Fortress is Our God. " You can find the words to this whole hymn by going to www.hymnsite.com. Luther wrote the hymn to honor and recognize the strength, power and might of our great God. In Verse 3 we sing:

"And though this world, with devils filled,
should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God hath willed
His truth to triumph through us."

In life, you will be challenged with many things. The opponent, Satan, is on the attack. You can rest in your own strength or rely on the mighty Fortress, the Rock, our Refuge, God our Maker. A strong D-line in football is mighty, but it is nothing compared to the strength and might of our Lord. A mighty Fortress is our God!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jere Johnson is a FCA staff member from Chicago area. If you would like to contact Jere, please e-mail him at jerejohnson@fca.org. Also, check out www.sportsdevo.com for more of Jere's devotions. For more information of FCA, visit FCA. org, or to subscribe to FCA Impact Play devotionals, click here.


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