I Back Barack

I'll get back to my dealing with my dad's passing, but I want to take time out for something else.

I will vote for Barack Obama to be our President this fall, and encourage you to vote for him then and in any primary you may be able to vote in this Spring and Summer. I think he is our best hope in bringing our country together. I think Senators McCain and Clinton could be very good Presidents. I think neither of them could bring the country or the government together to move in any direction.

The speech below is the keynote address to the Call to Renewal's Building a New Covenant for America. I think it articulates many of Senator Obama's attitudes and beliefs which I support. I do not agree with all of his policies. I do not know all of his policies. But I believe I can trust his judgement to do what he feels is in the best interest of this country. And that is all that I can hope that my President will do.


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