Again with the Tagging

The Official Family Law Lawyer/Future Pastor of the Prepare Ye blog, Law & Gospel (there needs to be a cer-chunk sound effect here) tagged me, and I didn't say "Not It" fast enough. So, here goes.

The rules for the meme are:
--Link to the person who tagged you.
--Post the rules on your blog.
--Share six non important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
--Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
--Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

So here are the six non important things/habits/quirks about me:

1- I am physically not thoroughly organized, by electronically very obsessive. My room or office will have piles, and file folders will not be really well organized. My computer has folders within folder within folders.

2- Big Disney fan. Have most of the movies on DVD and nice sized collection of musical Disney snow globes.

3- I have a circle of friends that I will go to with various decisions and will trust their views even if they say to do the opposite of what my instincts are. Now, it takes a 2, 3 or 4-0 vote (mine doesn't count) to get me to change my mind. But what good is having smart friends if you don't pick their brains and then use their brainpower.

4-I love, love, love music. Unfortunately, music doesn't love me back as much. To say I'm musically challenged is to be nice to me. My singing treats notes as suggestions. The closest to performing in a concert that I'll probably ever get is when I helped move part of the organ at the Music! Gettysburg concert on Saturday.

5-Can't fall asleep when it's quiet. I must have a radio, tv or some other noise. If it is quiet, I hear everything; every creek, rustle or car driving three blocks away.

6-Other than family and friends, I haven't missed my "old life" at all. I missed coaching football a little but that was more from walking away when my team was actually going to be very good this year. I am SO HAPPY to be here. Despite what recent rants may have said. Life in The Seminary is great, except when it's not.

Now with the tagging, I've looked around my blog-erhood, and most everyone's been tagged. I'll tag Ryan at Wandering through Tarshish and anyone who stumbles by and wants to play.


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