The Sacrifice of the Son

From Pray Now at the Church of Scotland.

Relationships of Challenge - Abraham and Isaac

‘Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains ...’ - Genesis 22:2


If love is a good thing, why is it tested?
If family is so sacred, why is it hard?
If parenting is precious, why is it painful?

If you, God, always provide,
Why do we sometimes feel we will lose everything?

Thinking of Isaac; innocently asking
‘Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?’
We offer our prayers today for vulnerable children
In our time, naïve and trusting.

Thinking of Abraham; following without question,
Acting without hesitation, strangely focused
We offer our questions, our doubts and discomfort.

Thinking of Jesus; your only son,
Given to die because you loved us so much,
Christ who asks us to follow in costly ministry –
We ask today,
What is the cost?
What are the sacrifices we are prepared to make?

Reading - John 3:16

Prayer activity - Call to mind a relationship or situation where there is a lack of trust. Offer your concerns and your questions about this to God.


God, of immeasurable love
of family beyond convention
of trust beyond understanding
bless through Christ your given son. AMEN


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