Living With The Things You Didn't Have To Do

I just watched the dvd of Gran Torino. I heard about the movie when it first came out, and didn't get around to seeing it until it got to the top of my Netflix queue.

While watching it, I found myself connecting with Father Janovich, the Roman priest in the movie. He is dealing with the cantankerous Walt Kowalksi (played by Clint Eastwood) and violence in the Highland Park neighborhood where is parish is. I wondered how I would deal with the people and situations in which he found himself. Hearing about the CPE experience of some of the first year students at The LTS and my own preparation for internship has put me in a "shadowing" mindset. I don't really know how I feel about how Father Janovich reacted, but I enjoyed the portrayal.

If you don't mind a lot of swearing and a great deal of ethnically demeaning and stereotypical language, it's a very good movie.


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