My First Post

This blog is an attempt to document my preparations to enter the seminary. I just turned 43 today, and am preparing to leave my job as a recreation director and enter an ELCA seminary to become an ordained minister. In addition to coordinating my city’s youth sports program, I have also been a high school football coach for 12 years.

I have applied to two ELCA seminaries, Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (Pennsylvania). I am in the middle of the candidacy process for the ELCA.

I hope this blog will serve to share the process with those who are hearing the call of ministry. Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. I have learned so much from the blogs of others who are at some point in the journey. I hope this blog will also allow my friends and family to follow my journey once I head to seminary.

I will also post my thoughts on a variety of topics; whatever I come across that I want to share my 2 cents worth with the world. I hope you find it interesting and entertaining. I hope to post two or three times a week.


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