Open my eyes

Forgive me for being so focused on the little details of my life that I am missing the big picture.
Forgive me for being so worried about the piddling problems of my own pity party.
Forgive me for thinking that it is all about me, when I know it is all about you.

Open my eyes to the suffering and the problems of the people who are around me.
Open my heart to their pain and pleas.
Open my mouth to beseech you for your tender mercy and healing for them.

Take care of the saints you have surrounded me with and who support me.
Provide for them all of what they need to each day do Your work.
Heal them of their pain, their illnesses, their suffering and their loneliness.

Open the eyes of my heart.
Use me to do your work.
Forgive me for loving myself more than I have loved You or others. Amen.


David said…
You know, I've prayed this prayer several times since you posted it. It is one worth repeating. Thanks.

BTW...I tagged you to play along on a blog meme. Stop by my blog and see the 10 Random Things post.

Enjoy the rest of the fall semester!

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