Fill Us With The Light Of Day

Today was a good day.

First, my group's OT presentation went pretty well. I got tie tounged, but I think it went moderately well. I got to share my theory that Aaron Sorkin stole part of the courtroom scene in "A Few Good Men" from the conclusion of the book of Job (You want answers? I want the truth! You can't handle the truth!)

Second, I got the Two for Tuesday special and got two, count 'em, two papers done today. And one isn't even due until next week!

Then I come back from the library and find out the Tigers just made a blockbuster trade.
Miguel Cabrera and Dontrelle Willis from the Marlins for for young left-hander Andrew Miller, outfielder Cameron Maybin, backup catcher Mike Rabelo and pitchers Burke Badenhop, Dallas Trahern and Eulogio De La Cruz. Those are a lot of good prospects, but those are two GREAT players. Now if they can replace Todd "Gasoline" Jones and keep Zumaya from getting hurt....

Since I'm in a joyful mood. L&G, Beethoven's 9th Symphony (kinda)

ICYDK, that is Lauren Hill with the solo.


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