Spring Break!

Posts this week may be more infrequent than usual because I'm on Spring Break!!!
I'll be working on my tan from the exotic sunny shores of Michigan.

I'm must be really dumb. Rather than going to Florida, Texas or Mexico and evangelizing the heathens there, (Hey, Christ went where the sin was) I'm spending the week in 20* Michigan.


Anonymous said…
LTSG doesn't do spring break over Holy Week? Does that mean you have to attend classes during Holy Week?
Ryan said…
Hey Brian...thought you'd be interested in this message I sent to another VT friend (Visit Trinity '07) tonight...

The seminary circuit is over...and I have to say...Eastern Cluster (LTSG/LTSS) right now has surpassed Covenant (Wartburg and TLS) Cluster...and I think I have a good idea why...well I have multiple theories but the main one is that Project Connect has attributed a large part of it...but between the two, then things get a little more tangled...and that's kinda a problem but it's also a blessing that I know I could be foreseeably content at either...

I'm not sure if I had visited Trinity first that my thought would change...I visited Trinity first last year (Feb.) and then Southern in March, BUT there was one key difference on both trips...the scooter...it may seem trivial, but you really do see an entirely different perspective from that angle (even though I was mobile when I needed to be)...

So that being said, it's going to take a monumentally significant difference in FA from either Wartburg or Trinity for them to get out of the "top tier" (that works both ways- either LTSG/LTSS have to do less than I'm thinking they will or WTS/TLS have to do better than expecting, or both).

Just thought you'd be interested in knowing that...


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