How'm I doin', I guess I'm doin' fine

Summer Greek started yesterday at The LTS, and it was interesting to see all of the new faces, full of anxiety, apprehension and excitement. I've tried to be reassuring and telling the people I talked to that things will go well.

I can't believe it's been over a year here and I'm packing up to move just along the ridge to a REAL apartment. I can't believe it's been a year since I was concerned about which way an accent was pointed over a Greek letter. I can't believe it's been over a year since I was getting boxes out to think about re-packing and heading home to Michigan. I can't believe there are two weddings today for my classmates and another pair just got engaged. I can't believe how time slips away.

Time Slips Away - Dave Matthews Band


Trish said…
Amen, brother. There have been 3 weddings of my own seminary friends in the past 3 weeks. And the new Greekers are here Greeking out, too. Time flies, indeed. Have fun moving to your "real" apartment.

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