Who Me?

Another great devotional from Pray Now from the Church of Scotland.

Astonishing relationships - Zacchaeus and Jesus

When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him,'Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.'
Luke 19:5


When we feel we are unimportant and not noticed
You see in us the potential and possibility we fear to live up to
You surprise us with an unexpected,
'I choose you.'

When our wealthy lives are lived out at the expense of the poor
You encourage us to be uncomfortable with our extravagance
You challenge us with an unexpected,
'I choose you.'

When we worry that our bodies may be too fat or too small
You see that which is deep within us and beyond the external
You affirm us with an unexpected,
'I choose you.'

When the lives we lead or decisions we take, make us unpopular
You demand we seek Justice and act with mercy
You change us with an unexpected,
'I choose you.'

So come amongst
the lonely
the small
the wealthy
the unloved
the unpopular

and be the guest of a sinner
that by choosing us,
meeting us,
being amongst us,
we may live out our lives
Challenging and changing
Challenged and changed.


Exodus 22:21-31 Community and hospitality
1 Peter 4:8-9 Good stewards of God's grace
3 John 5-8 Gaius' hospitality


Blessed be the sinner who knows their need of God.


Law+Gospel said…
This was wonderful- thanks for sharing it. I would have never known about the Church of Scotland site but for you.

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