For Your Theological Consideration

Based on some readings and coursework I have done, I propose the following:

Our foremost responsibilities as Christians is to love God. But I claim the only way for us to demonstrate our love to God is to through human relationships, performing acts out of love to other people, in particular, to the stranger, the other, the enemy. The only way for us to fulfill the first part of the Great Love Command (Matthew 22:37 - “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”) is to fulfill the second part (Matthew 22:39 - And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”)

Agree, disagree, or comment. THX!


you are so right. Ministry is the real learning ground of seminary life, the classroom and study time is for digesting what you learn. It works the same way for pastors. Time will help you learn a lot that way.

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