Sunday Afternoon Quarterbacking

Today was the last Sunday that I'll attend worship with my classmates before I start internship. As we sat in a couple of pews, I realized one of the things I'll miss about worshiping with a group of liturgically trained people ... second guessing the worship leaders. Just the glances during the service, knowing that people were wondering "Why that hymn?" "Where are you going in the sermon?" and a dozen other thoughts that we had about the service. And the service was a good one. But as people who are being trained to lead worship, we find ourselves wondering what choices we would make.

I know that while I am making those choices when I am planning worship in The Garden, I will have those Sunday Afternoon QB's in my head. Sometimes I'll listen to them, but many more times, I'll follow my own ideas, for better or worse. After all, while I was coaching football, I grew used to being heckled from the stands and even followed to the locker room by a "fan" who was not a fan of my play calling. I'm hoping that won't be the case in the parish.


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