Are You Freakin' Nuts?

So I' m checking my Facebook account, and see a message from my good friend (& future Bishop) Faithful Yet Changing who has a message to pray for Glen Beck. And my response is the title of this post, "Are You Freakin' Nuts??" Politically, I score just left of center, but that is because I hold a couple of far right positions which balance out some of my far left positions. But in the past year or so, I have found myself leaning farther and farther left, mostly in response to the morons (and I apologize to all of the real morons for lumping them in with this group) at Fixed Noise, like Beck, O'Riley & Hannity. The venom they spout comes from either ignoring facts or not being able to understand them or being so deluded that they actually believe the crap they spread.

I only clicked on the link because it is Future Bishop Faithful Yet Changing's birthday, and I was hoping this was going to be a joke, kind of like being Rick rolled. But it wasn't. It was an honest attempt to change his mind on the need for health care reform. There is a whole series of these going to several right wing (lack of) ideologues and opinion pushers. I doubt they will work; but never underestimate the power of shame.

Because it hit me. We, as Christians, are called not only to pray for those we love and those who love us, but also for those whom we don't love, and who do not love us. And while I do not like Glen Beck and the rest of his den of vipers and the venom they spew, I need to learn to love them and pray for them. So I will pray for them, and learn to love them. And I ask you to pray for them as well.

And, like the goalie from Slapshot said, I go to the box by myself for two minutes and I feel shame.


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