Call For The Time Out

From Pray Now by the Church of Scotland

God rested on the seventh day. - Genesis 2:2


I'm wabbit,* I'm weary, I'm worn out.
Often it feels as if I'm running on half empty.
Harassed because it seems I've never enough time to do everything.
Frustrated with my lack of energy to do things as well as I'd like, or within the timescales I, or others, have set.
Meltdown and breakdown,
 exasperation and exhaustion,
 sometimes feel just one more step, one more task, away.

And yet,
I know, God, you want it other wise
 for me, for my neighbors, for our world.

When I pause to listen to my body, to nature,
to you, 
there is a rhythm which jolts us from frenetic
 twenty-first-century living.
 A rhythm where rest and relaxation,
 fallow periods and holidays are built in.
 Not add-ons or extras to be earned.
Forgive me God,
when I abuse your creation
pushing myself and others too hard.

Help me to follow Jesus' example,
to learn to do nothing regularly,
to practice the art of resting mind, body and spirit.
 For you love each one of us for what we are,
 and not for what we strive to do.

* A Scots word meaning tired out.

Prayer activity
Put a date and time in your diary to take some time for yourself to do nothing but
be in a place you find relaxing by yourself.


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