It Will Burn Lord, But I Am Ready.

Another great devotional from Pray Now. (this devotional)

Elemental - Fire

The Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud by day, to lead them along
the way, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light, so they might travel
by day and by night. Exodus13.21


It will burn, child.
Swift and sharp
as the slice of shimmering steel.

It will burn, child.
Scorching and shocking
as words spat in heated haste.

It will burn, child.
Stinging and scabbing
as fresh scars smart with rage.

And so we learn, Lord, to fear the fire
should it hurt and harm us;
damage and deny us;
wound and waste us.

Then you come, guiding God,
shimmering and flickering and shouting
Yes, child, it will burn, but see me.
Yes, child, it will burn, but follow me.
Yes, child, it will burn, but it is for you.

Bring me bare foot, Lord,
to feel your heat sear and seal my soul.
Lead me with a love that crackles with life,
that demands and dances;
pains and purifies;
brings newness from the scorched earth
of my lukewarm life.

It will burn, Lord.
But I am ready.


Come, Lord with flaming fearlessness,
Come, Lord, with blazing boldness.
Come, Lord, to burnish and bless
lives dulled, hopes doused and hearts grown cold.
Come to comfort and cleanse
that we might be ready to serve you once again
in the way and through the love of Christ Jesus. AMEN


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