I Call Bull$hit

Today, (February 8, 2010) the day after the Super Bowl, there are several writers who are writing apologies or rationales for Peyton Manning walking off at the end of the game without acknowledging any of the victorious Saints.

And I call BULLSHIT.

They say shaking hands after a loss is disingenuous. They say walking off isn't a sign of poor sportsmanship.

And I call BULLSHIT.

Whether it was LaBron James, Bill Belachuck or my beloved Detroit Pistons Bad Boys, it is classless, poor sportsmanship and just lame to go running into the tunnel at the end of the game. It is a poor example for younger players and it shows outright cowardice.

You stand in the arena and do battle. When the contest is over, you congratulate the other person or team because IT IS JUST A GAME. Losing hurts. Losing sucks. But someone is going to lose when you play a game.

When it's your time to be on the fuzzy side of the lollipop, suck it up and go over an congratulate the winner.

Show some class.


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