Random Reading Material - Post-Labor Day

Spanning the world wide web to bring you a constant variety of stories and posts ... the thrill of something useful ... and the agony of #EpicFail.

From Living Lutheran, by way of the ELCA Southeastern Synod Blog:
Do We Love To Tell The Story? - Do we tell about how our congregation is tied into the work of the greater church and the work going on outside our doors and community?

From Skating in the Garden ... :
What the Church Can Learn From Gordon Ramsey - Ramsey may be the only chef on TV that I won't watch (besides the Barefoot Contessa) and it's for the same reason; they are both asses. He is verbally, she is for another reason. The way Ramsey talks to people who are holding sharp objects just seems headed for a bad end. But "Skating" uses him to make a great point. He is always saying that a restaurant won't be successful until they are giving customers what they want. She goes onto to make the connection that if we don't have enough young people in the church, it is because they don't like what we are trying to serve them. Hmmm.

From Faithful Yet Changing:
Holy Food For the Thirsty - The always wise Bles5ed raises the question if the font MUST ALWAYS come before the table.

From Religion Clause:
Religion Clause: Senator Objects To Army's Suspension of "Just War" Instruction: Just because the course used religious materials and teachings doesn't mean that it violates the First Amendment. (IMHO - It is removing the course that violates the First amendment.)


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