Promised to Come Back

from the April 2015 Messenger

My Big Guy was reading the Bible when I jumped up onto the couch, so he started reading the story to me. I wanted him to play Throw the Toy, but he wanted to read, so I let him. He was reading the part about Jesus dying and then coming back to life. I guess he is getting ready for Easter.

But what he read made me think, especially about the disciples who were following Jesus. Even though Jesus told them that he would be arrested and killed, they seem surprised when it happened. They were even more surprised when he was raised from the dead.

I thought about what that Saturday must have been for them. Remember a while ago when my Big Guy went to Michigan for a conference and to visit his family and friends? He told me that he was going to be away for a while and that I was going somewhere else while he was away. I didn’t really understand what he meant until he left. I was so sad and scared and afraid. I didn’t eat much and only chewed on my blanket. I was afraid he wasn’t ever going to come back. I worried about what would happen to me.

Then he came back! At first, I was confused. Was it really him? Then he called my name and rubbed my belly and I knew it was him. I was SO EXCITED!! Then we went home and he sat on the floor and I licked him and he rubbed me and we played Throw and Tug. I even let him win a couple of times to make him feel better.

But I think I know how the disciples felt. They were worried that because of what they did in leaving Jesus that he might not come back. I thought my Big Guy might have been upset about some stuff I did.

He promised he would come back and he did. He even bought me some really cool blue shirts to wear during football season!

I think that like the disciples, we need to know that Jesus loves us and forgives us when we mess up. He promised to come back from the dead. And he did, and that means that when we die, we will be raised too.

As my Big Guy says, “That is Good News!”

Licks and Love, Ananias


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