Being Nervous

from the September 2015 Messenger

First, thank you to everyone who was upset that my article got bumped to the back of the newsletter last month. My Big Guy made it up to me with some fun toys.
He has also been bringing me to more things at the churches. I’ve been to council and committee meetings, and Luther League meetings. I even came to the Joint Worship service and picnic.

I’m a little nervous around people, and would rather come to meet you than to have you come to meet me. I appreciate people wanting to get to know me, but I’m nervous. That’s just how I am. I’m afraid that when people get to know me that they won’t like me.  So I’ll bark and growl when people come to the Parsonage or up to see My Big Guy in his office. I don’t mean anything by it; I’m just nervous and afraid.

My Big Guy told me about when he was a Little Guy, that he was really shy and quiet. He used to have a stutter that he was really embarrassed by. He was afraid to get up and speak in front of people. He still does some of the things he learned, especially practicing what he is going to say. I get to hear his sermons before you do, because he will preach to me first.

I think everyone, people and dogs alike, have a hard time dealing with new things. My Big Guy will give me a new toy, but I won’t play with it until I’ve had a chance to really smell it and lick it.

My Big Guy has talked to me about him maybe having five churches to go to instead of just the two we’ve been going to. He is nervous about how it will all work out. But he trusts that if this is what God wants for this area and these churches, then it will all work out.

It is scary to think about the changes that having everybody work together would bring about. But think about all of the stuff that you all could do by having everybody work together. Just like I take time to get used to a new toy, I think once you get used to the idea, you will see the things that God can do from everyone being united.

I’ll praying and chewing on that for you.

Licks and Love, Ananias


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