
I just don't understand things sometimes.

I'm used to writing an article at the end of the month for My Big Guy's newsletter, but now he is telling me because my articles are more popular than his are (he's not taking that well) my articles are going on the line, and I have to write a new article for my webpage. Being a celebrity is not easy.

He was reading the lessons for next Sunday to me last night. That is something he does because it gets him to start thinking ahead. I wish he'd think ahead more on belly rubs, but I'll save that for another article since I'm having to write so much stuff.

The lesson is about what he called the Commandments. There are ten of them. And you are all supposed to follow them. You all must be really well trained.

I only know five commands, and, between you and me, I don't always do so good at them. Especially "Stay." I don't like that one. When My Big Guy tells me that, it usually means he is going to go and do something fun and I can't come along. So I give him a couple of seconds to get it done, then I come to see how he's doing.

My Big Guy is always working with me to get better at following his commands. He forgives me when I don't obey them. I think God does that for all of you with the Commandments. Maybe we all need to try practicing them more.

Until next time, I'll stay right here on-the-line.
Licks and Love, Ananias.


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