Keep Watch

My Big Guy told me that I have my own web page ( and showed it to me on one of those screens he is always looking at. He didn’t let me lick or chew on it so I don’t know if it is any good, but he wants me to tell you to check it out for my writings, so go ahead.
In addition to be an Internet Super Star, I also do other things, especially for My Big Guy. He found out about one of them a couple of nights ago.
He lets me sleep in bed with him, and we cuddle up until he falls asleep. I know he is asleep because it sounds like he is trying to inhale one of the pillows. And he says that I snore.
But when he falls asleep, I get up and go to the other end of the bed and stand watch. I stay up all night (that’s why I need to take naps during the day) to protect him.
He taught me this prayer that he says when we are in bed. “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul will take.”
That made me really nervous. Is My Big Guy going to just not wake up one morning? Who will let me sleep on their couch or give me belly rubs then?
So I decided that I’m going to stay awake all night so no one comes and takes his soul. I watch over him, and am ready to bark and growl and chase away anything that comes at night to attack My Big Guy.
He woke up one night and saw me on guard and asked me what I was doing. I didn’t tell him because my mission is top secret. But he figured out that I was watching over him.
He gave me lots of hugs and belly rubs to thank me for keeping his soul safe. But then he told me I didn’t have to do that, because that prayer was one of trust. That if something DID happen, God, who I guess loves My Big Guy even more than I do (which I find hard to believe) would bring My Big Guy to live with Him forever. I was still worried.
He looked up in the Bible on one of his screen thingies and read this to me from the Romans: If you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and in your heart you have faith that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10.9)
He told me that he has faith that God will take care of him if something really bad happens. Then he said that he also believes that God will take care of bulldogges and other animals too!
So I don’t have to stand guard to protect My Big Guy. I trust God will do that. But I still look out for things that could come out at night. The world can be a scary place.
Licks and Love,


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