40 Questions

This is my Ash Wednesday message, based on the lesson from Luke 9:51-62, where Jesus set his face towards Jerusalem. I've always some issues with this lesson, especially the "Let the dead bury their own dead" (see http://prepare-ye.blogspot.com/2013/06/let-dead-bury-dead.html) So I started writing questions, hoping to have some answers. Then I realized my questions, while not having answers, had a message, and that, I though, was enough.

What does it mean to set your face to go to Jerusalem?
What does it mean to accept your fate?
If Jesus accepted that his fate was to die on a cross for our sins, can we accept that we are sinners?
Can we accept that our only hope of redemption and salvation had to come from God, and not from anything that we could do?
Knowing this, how do we NOT love the Lord our God with all our heart, and mind, and soul and strength?
Can we admit that we are sinners, no better than, but no worse than, anyone else?
Can we still love others knowing this?
Can we confess that we are rightly damned with out the death of Christ on the Cross?
Can we still love ourselves knowing this?
How do we make decisions for our future when “the days draw near” for us?
Are our decisions different when we think that our days are not yet drawing near?
What do we do when we realize that we have no idea if are days are drawing near or not?
What does it mean to be ready to lay down your life?
Does laying down our lives mean that we are ready to take up our Cross?
Are we ok with carrying the Cross for someone else?
What does it mean to lead a life in the kingdom of God, to live under the reign of Christ?
Is heaven a place to go when we die, or is it a goal to work for here on Earth?
Are we just supposed to wait for it to come?
Can we work and act to create it here and now?

What does it mean to follow Jesus?
Does it include going to some places and doing some things that you don’t want to go and do?
Are we willing to give up our home and separate from our people to follow Jesus?
Are there some people with whom we don’t want to work or serve?
Can we love those who do not welcome us?
Do we get to decide who is in God’s kingdom?
What if we’re not ok with God’s decisions?
Are we willing to accept those who are different from who we are?
Are we willing to accept help from them?
Why do we focus on what Jesus is calling us from doing, and not on what Jesus is calling us to do?
What do we need to let go of to follow Jesus?
What are we holding onto that keeps us from giving myself totally over to Christ to command?
What are we waiting to have happen?
Do we think someone else will answer the call?
Who do we need permission from to act?
Why do we want to act on our own schedule rather than to live in Christ’s immediacy?
What has to happen in our heart, in our soul, in our mind or in our life for us to let go, and let God?
Are we willing to follow if we have no say in the destination or assignment?
If the help of the helpless abides with us, why do we not answer the call?
If we fear no foe, and our tears have no bitterness;
if we trust that God abides with us, why do we hesitate to answer?
Can YOU use these 40 days during Lent to examine what you value more than serving and surrendering to God?


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