Sermon Series Graphics

 One of the things that helps me prepare a sermon and a sermon series is to create graphics that go along with the series. By coming up with a unifying image or theme before we begin, it helps me to see the connections so I can plant seeds and drop hints that some people pick up on.

We just finished a series in Advent where I was not really too creative.

We finished Lectionary Year A with a series that ran from mid-September through the end of November on the Parables from Matthew's Gospel.
This was the base image, with each week being a banner or ribbon. The blue at the edge marked the beginning of Advent that we were moving toward.
Each week, only the appropriate banner remained, and the rest gave way for a quote from the lesson and a graphic.
The change in liturgical colors to mark Reformation Sunday and All Saints Sunday helped to remind me to change the colors, because most of the time I (as have many pastors during the pandemic) was serving as my own Altar Guild, and to remind me of an additional connection that day with a specific theme of the day.
By the way, I found it easier to preach Reformation with the text appointed for that Sunday rather than the Reformation Day texts. I will look at those options on other days like that - if there are any.

I might post some more of these, especially if blogging becomes a replacement for sleeping. 

At least this will put any readers to sleep.

God Bless You.


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